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Filtering by Category: packing up

getting out


when you get an idea in your head, like ditching fixed life for the romantic notion of a camper and the open road and working your way around the country ... the preview that plays in your mind's eye includes sunsets, porch-building alongside your family, simple meals in country kitchens, and great conversations with dusty old-timers in front of some local barber shop.  it's the ultimate road trip!  the glow of the vision is tinged with a bit of sweat and grit, and some knowledge that it's likely to pretzel your mind into new shapes, your hands into mud, and your heart into scary new corners. 

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still here, still packing, still ... getting closer!


this packing up process is slow.  doesn't matter that we've lived here only two years, there are still boxes surfacing in the studio that have sawdust on them from the pre-nyc days in central PA.  storage space is at such a premium that we can't just toss it into storage without a thought.  old work projects, portfolio samples for packaging design that i'll never need again, oh, wait, that's a doll my grambie sewed for me that I'd forgotten about! ... you get the idea.  every box and corner is fraught with memories and decisions and more decisions.  will i ever use it again?  does it mean enough to pay to keep it?  will it fit in the camper?!  it's mentally and physically demanding. 

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The Great Camper Fundraiser Art S.T.A.S.H. Sale!



The big camper fundraiser is ... ON! It's an art sale ... a big-but-short and spans-25-years-of-work one that is worth checking out, and has something for everyone.  We plan to get on the road by December 1 (and this sale ends November 21st!), so we're cutting it mighty close.  I'm working hard at not panicking :).   There are pieces available from the boys, as well as Michael's big pile o' stuff. 

The S.T.A.S.H. Sale

In his words ... "Yes Folks, I've been hauling out sheaves of my past and beating the chaff off my art stash. I've uncovered a lot of fermenting fruits-of-my-labor that I'm finally tossing in the Art Press, stomping out for you the giddifying wine of my life at a fine low price for 2 short weeks before I cask it in deep storage."

Please, take a look, share the link with wild abandon ... and many thanks!

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